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Writer's pictureSarah Lango

True Hope

Updated: Sep 13, 2018

HOPE. Most days hope is the light pulling me through the darkness.

But some days, HOPE too feels dim.

Because Hope leaves room for disappointment.

Because somedays hope feels more like naivety.

Hope, when misplaced, draws me in, but then leaves me wondering if I’ll play the part of the fool, dreaming about what will be, but perhaps never becomes.

And, I have to remind my heart, that amidst all my doubts, STILL…. I have THIS hope.

My hope can never be in what this world has to offer me.

My hope cannot be in the fixing of all that feels broken here in this lifetime.

My hope cannot be in people, or in position, or in some purpose that leaves Him out altogether.

Because, hope misguided leads to heartache.

Hope. True Hope. Where can I find hope? Hope in Christ. Feeling hopeless.

True HOPE has only one source, Jesus Christ. The ultimate and forever HOPE.

The HOPE of my salvation, the saving my human heart is so desperately in need of.

The HOPE of eternity.

And clinging to THAT hope becomes enough.

Have you ever placed your hope in something that left you empty? Share your story with us!

Here's another great read about how Jesus changes us.

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True Hope. Hope. Hope in Christ. Where can I find hope? Feeling hopeless.

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