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Writer's pictureSarah Lango

To the ones who truly See Us on this Medically Complex Journey

Updated: May 9, 2019

Special Needs Parenting. Thank you to those who see us on this Medically complex journey. Seeing & serving. How to love a special needs family.

When you live in a medically fragile scenario for an ongoing amount of time, it is easy to begin to feel invisible.

Your world is suddenly drastically changed, but the world as a whole-- it goes on.

We walk a road that many in our lives may not fully understand.

We walk a journey that is far more complex than what can be communicated through some social media photos or an occasional in person social interaction.

The truth is the impact of this journey echos throughout every area of our lives. The impact does not just stop once we realize this road is ongoing. In fact, it's perhaps then that the impact feels even more harsh.

And the truth is, as life goes on, it's easy to begin to feel forgotten here. Like no one truly sees or understand the reality that is before us. The way an ordinary day can quickly become crippling-- both physically and emotionally. The way so much ongoing support is still needed!

Special Needs Parenting. Feeling invisible. Thank you to those who see us on this Medically complex journey. Seeing & serving. How to love a special needs family.

So today, I just want to say THANK YOU.

Thank you to those who see us here.

To those who see our struggle and offer a helping hand.

To those who see our hardship and extend a form of kindness.

Thank you to those who call or type out a message just to say “How are you?”

The ones who check on our mental health—who remind us to take care of ourselves too.

Thank you to those who send a card or write a note just to say, “You’re doing good.”

Thank you to those who bring hot meals, with no agenda.

And those, who listen compassionately over coffee with no unsolicited advice.


Thank you to those who help with childcare and carpool.

And those who offer to be travel buddies or babysitters.

Thank you to the givers-- those who continue to offer financial assistance, or bless us with generosity in some form or another.

Thank you to the prayer warriors—the ones who have NEVER stopped praying on our behalf.

Thank you to the ones with servants hearts-- who offer their time, their help, or their services, asking nothing in return.

Thank you to the ones who simply smile and ask in sincerity about this life we live.

Today, you help us feel seen.

Today, you show us we are not forgotten.

Today, your kindness gives us hope for the long road we face.

Thank you for seeing us here.

Special Needs Parenting. Thank you to those who see us on this Medically complex journey. Seeing & serving. How to love a special needs family.

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