A habit.
Most recent research would indicate that it takes 66 days to form a habit.
Here’s the thing, I, like you, am busy.
From the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until the time I lay my head on the pillow—my life is full of tasks that beckon my attention. Even now, as I write, I am thinking of 5 other things I should be doing.
The laundry needs folding.
The kitchen re-straightened from the rush of getting the kids out the door for school this morning.
I need to call and reschedule that doctors appointment.
And, make some new plans for my ministry commitment at church.
The toilets need scrubbing.
And the little one needs some coaxing for a nap.
I should probably balance the bank account.
And, the tote of Christmas décor that still sits at the bottom of the stairwell REALLY needs to be taken up to the attic.
I should make a plan for dinner—it will be here before I know it.
The list could go on for days, and let’s be honest. It’s not all going to get done. Not in the time I have left of this day, or even the time I have left of this week.
And in the midst of the busy--- in the midst of the to-do list that unending, there are some pretty important things that can get forgotten.
I’ve heard it said before “I don’t want my time in God’s Word to become just another thing on my to-do list.” I have even heard it taught that this should not be something that goes on a to-do list at all.
But, can I tell you a secret?
Since the beginning of this year, every day I sit down with a piece of paper first thing in the morning. And every day, I put 5-10 tasks on this list.
Some days, I get ambitious and put WAY too many things on the list and typically I end up frustrated because I don’t even come close to completing them all.
Some days, I am smart (ha) and I recognize the time constraints I live in which allows me to form a reasonable list that might actually get completed.
BUT, everyday the number one thing on my list is this : Time with Jesus.
You see, I understand the principle of the previously mentioned teaching. I don’t want my time with God to become JUST a ritual, but I do want it to become a ritual. I don’t want it to be come JUST a routine, but I do hope it falls into my routine. I don’t want it to become JUST another thing on my to-do list, but I want to be sure it is the most important thing on my list every single day.
It shouldn’t be just another habit, and yet I desperately hope it can become my best habit.
Because like exercising your body or drinking a reasonable amount of water--- my time each day opening up the Bible is life giving.
Just like the time I spend ensuring my family has clean underpants or that there is nutritional food available for meals, or clean dishes to eat off of--- my time dedicated to worshiping Him allows life to function a little more smoothly.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of life: the carpool line, and little league, and school projects, and house work, and paperwork, and even ministry—we can forget THE most important thing. The thing that is not about us and yet will serve us best out of any other thing we could choose to do with our time—time spent growing our relationship with God.
Some days, because I put “spend time with God” as my number one--- the dishes don’t get done, or the laundry isn’t put away, or that phone call doesn’t get made. And I am learning to become ok with that. Because I recognize that “time with God” is something that must take priority--- and so I’m ok with it being another thing on my to-do list—because my to-do list prioritizes my day--- and my day should revolve around Him.
Have you been putting “time with God” on your to-do list?
And if not, would you consider doing this with me?
In 66 days we’ll form a habit. A habit that I believe will be life changing as we are intentional about taking in the life giving Word of God each day.
" So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17
" All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness..." 2 Timothy 3:16
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