As we sat at the kitchen table silently partaking in lunch, my 3 year old, Riley, looked out the window. She had already asked multiple times this day if we could go outside and play, and she was quite displeased with my “no, not today,” answer.
“God, please bring the sun out to play with us today?” she asked out loud in her sassy little voice.
I smiled and echoed her prayer as I looked out into the darkness.
“tick tock, tick tock” the clock hand moved not. Only a mere 30 seconds had passed before she piped up again, “God, where are you?” she shouted.
You see, she is 3, and most generally when she asked for something she wants it right now. The sun did not immediately pop out from behind the endless wall of clouds upon her request, so to her that meant God was not listening, was not working, or maybe WAS NOT at all. `
I found her response humorous before I began to think about it deeply.
“God, where are you?” How often has my heart wandered the same thing?
Just as my 3 year old has an expectant time table of when her prayer should be answered, I do as well. Mine may be longer than 30 seconds, but it is there.
I come before the Creator of the Universe and I ask for my request to be met, but when time ticks by, and days turn into weeks, and months, and sometimes years I too wonder “God, where are you?” Do you not hear me? Are you not working? Are you simply not there?
As I hear the words of my daughter, I look upon her childish ways and I understand the simple mindedness required to expect that God meet her requests on her time table. But, somehow, when I do the same thing I fail to see the problem. In fact, I often see God as the problem. After all, He is the one who is not meeting the need, fulfilling the request, bringing about my desires.
Oh, how simple minded I am?
I am often foolish. For, He is God, and I am not. His ways are not my ways. And, my finite human mind cannot even begin to comprehend the way in which my God works.
It does not mean that I stop asking. It does not mean that I no longer bring forth requests.
But, I am reminded once more of the power of the Almighty God. I will wait. I will be patient. I will humble myself, realizing that He is working, even when I cannot see, even when I do not understand.
Because He IS God.
Will you wait with me?
Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.…”
Have you ever asked God for something and felt like he was completely ignoring you? What was the end result? I'd love to hear your story. Drop me a comment below!

Here's another great faith based blog post, 7 Scriptures about who I am in Christ.
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