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Does My Motherhood Matter?

Mundane Motherhood. Motherhood for God's glory. Does my motherhood matter? Using the mundane. Everyday moments.

Mission trips are fun. A spiritual high. I've been on five; two to Alaska to help run a Christian camp, two to London to distribute the Jesus Film to visiting Saudi Arabian Muslims, and one to Mexico to build a church. Nothing about them was mundane. Each day feels like a gift from God, a special opportunity to lead someone to Christ.

As a mother of two small children, much of my life feels mundane. I sometimes struggle with Great Commission jealousy. I can find myself wishing that I could be doing greater things for Christ than just washing dishes and changing diapers.

Motherhood forces you to set your schedule as it once was aside. Motherhood of little children, especially, can force you to place your personal goals on the altar of God. God might tell you: “Wait, my child.”

But in the midst of it, it doesn't feel like “Wait”. It feels like”No.”

My internal thoughts when I just want a little time to myself? “I know the Bible says that I should lay down my will and serve Christ and others, but I just don't want to, at least not THIS much, for THIS long!”

That's what's so hard about the mundane. It's just so long.

And that's what God wants... as Eugene Peterson puts it, “A long obedience in the same direction”.

So how can I be obedient with my mundane when I just want to wait for the mundane to end so I can serve God the way that *I* would prefer?

I can't spend my life waiting for the mundane to end, because Jesus used His mundane moments.

Mundane Motherhood. Using the everyday moments. Does my motherhood matter? Motherhood for God's glory. Mundane moments.

I'm hungry to learn, hungry to learn the new ways that people are communicating the never-changing Gospel. On good days, I'll listen to podcasts while I'm doing things around the house. That makes my days seem a little more productive, because otherwise, I can get stuck in this loop. Like food. I spend so much of my time preparing, planning, cooking, and serving meals to my family, and they keep wanting more food, like multiple times a day!

Just at that moment, a woman references the 5 loaves and the two fish.

Oh yeah, that's right. Jesus prepared food for His disciples. (John 21:1-14) not to mention those times that He fed 4,000 people and 5,000 people.

I often cry and my emotions overwhelm me. Sometimes I even need companionship to help me through. Jesus was very sorrowful and wanted companionship (Matthew 26:38)

I give my children a bath (almost) every day. Not to mention repeatedly washing my toddler's hands at his insistence. Jesus washed the disciple's feet.

I have to pay taxes. Jesus did, too. (Matthew 17:24-27)

I have to obey authority. Jesus chose to submit Himself to His parents and to the government.

I spent hours every day holding one or both of my children. Jesus held children in His arms and welcomed them. (Matthew 19:14)

Sometimes I can't help but take a nap when my children take a nap. Jesus was physically exhausted (John 4) fell asleep on a boat in a storm. (Luke 8:23-25)

Is my motherhood making a difference? Mundane motherhood. Using the everyday moments.

Jesus subjected Himself to the mundane on purpose, so, I can too.

Jesus prayed: “Thy will be done”. In order to redeem our human will, He took on a human will and laid it down for the glorification of God the Father and His authority.

So while I'm washing dishes? “Thy will be done.”

Changing diapers? “May this be to the glory of the Father.”

Vaccuming out the crushed Cherrios from my car? “For Thine is the Kingdom”

“If God doesn’t rule your mundane, then he doesn’t rule you. Because that’s where you live.” Paul Tripp

Right now, it's hard for me to leave my house to do evangelism. While I have done street evangelism in previous years, this is my season to invite people into my home. This is my season to speak to whoever I can reach through my blog for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.

I can't spend my life waiting for the mundane to end, because the mundane is where God wants me to serve Him.

The monotony of our daily lives is where we can devote our valuable time to prayer, to Bible reading and memorization, and to serving others. Mission trips are fun and valuable, but with a mindset change, I can remember that my kid's souls are my mission objective. I can remember that my ministries at church and my blog are my gift and assignment from God. And in this season, those are the areas that God wants me to serve Him in.

Jesus did the mundane for the glory of the Father, so, I can too. And when I remember that my mission is from God Himself, it doesn't seem as mundane, after all.

Here are some other great posts about Motherhood.

Mundane Motherhood. Does my motherhood matter? Motherhood for God's glory. Mundane moments.

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Mundane motherhood. Christ centered mama.

This post is a guest post written by my friend Sarah Hardee over at Christ- Centered Mama. Learn more about Sarah and her ministry over here. She has some great stuff over on her blog so be sure to check it out.

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Stephanie Jacobs
Stephanie Jacobs
19 sept. 2018

Such a great reminder and beautifully written!


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